Newborn Network
Looking to share your story or get support from other new moms? This is the place to get it.

Jan 21 2025, 10 am - 12 pm
Jan 21 2025, 10 am - 12 pm
Looking to share your story or get support from other new parents? Topics discussed may include: feeding, baby wearing, cloth diapers, sleeping (like a baby!), soothing a crying baby, infant development, enhancing early learning, creating family traditions, self-care for new parents, proper stuffed animal selection and SO MUCH MORE. All moms, babies and mommies-to-be are welcome.
Earn up to 2 Parent Participation Points every time you attend, and receive a fee reduction on childcare!
Location: ACS, B221, room 206 Rose Barracks
Free to participate.
Registration Information
Registration is required for all ACS classes 48 hours prior.
Army Community Service (ACS) - Main Office
SPECIAL NOTE: *Emergency Leave assistance after 3 p.m. & on holidays, contact the American Red Cross at: 1-877-272-7337
Military DSN (314) 599-1101