An official army family and MWR Site

Non-Federal Entities

As defined by AR 210-22 and DoDI 1000.15, a Non-Federal Entities (NFE), commonly referred to as Private Organization, is a self-sustaining entity constituted or established and operated by individuals acting outside any official capacity as officers, employee, or agents of the Federal Government or its instrumentalities. 

At USAG Bavaria, the Garrison Commander has designated the approval administration of the NFE program to the Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR).

Permission to operate on the installation is granted for a period of 2 years, unless cancelled by either party. Approval automatically expires 2 years from the date of the last approval unless re validated. NFEs must request revalidation no less than 90 days prior to the expiration of their current permit.

Samples for:

1.      Establishment/Renewal

NFE Checklist

Sample Constitution Bylaws

Sample Format Audit Report

Sample Officers List

Sample SOFA status Statement

Sample Request Letter for Establishment

Sample Request Letter for Renewal

Sample Space Renewal Request

Sample Initial Space Requirement Request


2.      Quarterly Requirements

Sample Financial Report

Sample Format Meeting Minutes


3.      Fundraising Request Forms

Fundraising Request Form

Facility Request for Events

After Action Report Form


4.      Briefing Slides

NFE Slides


Selected Authorities and Local Guidelines

USAG Bavaria Policy Letter #35

AER 210-22 Private Organizations and Fundraising Policy

AR 210-22 Support for NFE Authorized to Operate on Department of the Army Installations

AR 600-29 Fundraising within the Department of the Army

AR 1-10 Fundraising within the Department of the Army

AR 405-80 Management of Title and Granting Use of Real Property

DoD 5500 7-R Joint Ethics Regulation, Change 7

DoDI 1000 15  Procedures and Support for Non-Federal Entities Authorized to Operate on DoD Installations

IMCOM-E Policy 9 Facility Support to Private Organizations


For questions, please contact the Non-Federal Entities Administrator.

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